All students and staff at KES take part in our House Competition. Every member of our school community is assigned a House, either Romans, Saxons or Vikings.
Each House is lead by a member of the Sixth Form Student Leadership Team, supported by House Prefects from Year 10/11 and a House Tutor Representative from each tutor group. The House team organise and run three whole school House events each year. These events give students and staff the opportunity to earn House Points for themselves and their House, whilst encouraging teamwork and providing opportunities for everyone to get involved in the school community.
The House Prefects are selected in March each year. Students volunteer to become a House Tutor Representative and the tutor has the final decision on who is appointed in September each year. Candidates need to be confident, well liked by their peers, kind, inclusive, supportive, helpful and proud to take on the role.
Every House Point that is earnt by a student, or a member of staff, is added to the overall total for their House. At the end of the school year, students in the House that has accumulated the most House Points attend a presentation ceremony and receive a free ice cream during the last tutor period on the last day of the school year.
Students can earn House Points in a variety of ways:
EFFORT | When a student has put in a lot of effort in a lesson, or on their homework, or taken part in a subject competition. |
TAKING PART | If a student enters a House Competition. |
EXTRA-CURRICULAR | If a student attends every session of a minimum of one club, inside or outside school, each half-term. |
KES VALUES AND SUPERSTAR OF THE WEEK | When a student displays any of our KES Values, or is awarded Superstar of the Week. |
BEHAVIOUR AND ATTENDANCE | 0 Behaviour points, and/or, 96% above attendance, every half-term. |
Any House Points that a student earns are offset against any behaviour points they have received, to give them what are know as Reward Points.
Students can cash in their Reward Points during the last week of every term in exchange for stationary or other small items. These can be collected from their Head of House. Year 11 and 13 students with a minimum of 150 points can cash them in for £5 off a Prom or Leavers’ Meal ticket. A students's overall Rewards Points total, and eligibility for the other rewards, is not affected by ‘cashing-in’.
Each half-term, the twenty students in each House who have the most Reward Points get entered into a raffle. Five names per House are then selected at random in the raffle from the top twenty from each House. The students who get selected are rewarded during the last lesson of the last day of the half-term with treats, music and games and even get to bring a friend!
At the end of the school year, the top three students from across Years 7-10 and 12 who have accumulated the most Reward Points are given Amazon vouchers - 1st: £50, 2nd: £30, 3rd: £20. The winners are announced by video during tutor time on the last day of the school year, along with the overall winning House, then during the last period of that day, tutor groups in the winning House, along with their tutors, go onto the field for an ice cream and presentation ceremony. Students in Years 11 and 13 with the most Reward Points on their last day in school are given a free Prom ticket, or Leavers’ Meal ticket and those with the second and third most points receive a free Yearbook, with the winners announced during final assemblies.