Career Progression

KES offers dedicated careers advice to all Sixth Form students. Each student is encouraged to think carefully about what they will do once they leave school.

Students on two year courses will be encouraged to think seriously about the option of Higher Education and are given considerable support through the UCAS application process - including advice on student finance and funding.  With the help of staff, students will start to complete their applications in the summer term, ready to send off by the end of September. The school is fortunate to benefit from a well-established association with the University of Cambridge and liaises closely with the University of Essex and Anglia Ruskin University. Each year around 60% of students apply to university and in recent years, everybody who has applied to university has secured a place. In recent years students have been increasingly successful with applications to Russell Group Universities, including Oxford and Cambridge.

Additionally, students who do not wish to go to university will be encouraged to apply for higher and degree apprenticeships.  We welcome apprenticeship providers into the school and students can attend our careers fair and networking event to increase their knowledge of training and employment opportunities.  In the summer term of Year 12, all students attend an Employability Day.  They will attend workshops to help them to prepare for the process of applying for jobs when they leave.

One year vocational students access work placements for two days each week to help them to bridge the gap between school and future employment.  Apprenticeship providers and local companies are invited into school to talk to students about these opportunities.

All Year 12 students are given the opportunity to do work placements or volunteering as part of their enrichment time, and in addition, will spend time in the summer term on a work placement.

All students can make an appointment to see the impartial careers adviser at any time.