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British Values

KES promotes community cohesion and the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. The KESWay underpins the values that we look to instil in our students. We are committed to promoting fundamental British values through a wide range of explicit and implicit educational activities and the articulation of, and demonstration of these values.

British values are also promoted through our social, moral, spiritual and cultural, (SMSC) education which permeates through the schools’ assemblies, curriculum, ethos, student voice, teaching and learning and its commitment to inclusion.


  • Student Leadership Team, House System and School Council – Elections to select students in key positions and applications for other key roles, to ensure a structured and fair approach. System in place to ensure student voice is heard and acted upon, following democratic principles.
  • Roles and Responsibilities- various opportunities to participate in roles of responsibility within the school
  • PHSE and Wider  Curriculum Links within Subjects- a curriculum that develops pupil understanding of British Life and preparation for modern British Life.
  • Extra-Curricular- learning outside of the classroom that promotes democratic processes.


The Rule of Law:

  • Behaviour for Learning Policy- a clear code of conduct and expectations for all pupils.
  • Anti-Bullying Focus and Ambassadors- a robust anti-bullying culture and Anti-Bullying ambassadors
  • Rewards- A comprehensive systems of rewards and recognitions
  • Restoration- A restorative approach to conflict.
  • Links- Links with Essex Police and Fire service


Individual Liberty:

  • Debating Society – once a week, led by Sixth form students, debating topical issues.
  • Participation- access to a wide variety of school and local community charitable events and opportunities for volunteering.
  • Safe and Supportive- Students are actively encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment.
  • PHSE- Our PHSE curriculum educates and provides boundaries for students to make choices safely, including those related to e-safety and extremism.


Mutual Respect:

  • Pastoral Systems- An outstanding system of pastoral care, guidance and support.
  • Anti-Bullying Focus and Ambassadors- a robust anti-bullying culture and Anti-Bullying ambassadors
  • Mutual Respect- a teaching and learning environment based on The KESWay where mutual respect is routed within all that we do.
  • Assembly Programmes- to promote mutual respect and learn about key values.
  • Religious Education- Our RE curriculum provides a broad and balanced education on a range of faiths, religions and cultures
  • KES Read- Our reading programme allows students to step into other worlds, cultures and develop empathy for others based on the texts provided.
  • House Events- Sports Days and House events help to instil ‘fair play’ and engender a ‘team spirit’
  • Links with Others- Linking with others schools and community partners.